Lavender plant (lat. Lavandula) belongs to the genus of family Lamiaceae that includes about 30 species. Lavender plant grows naturally in the Canary Islands, Eastern and Northern Africa, Australia, Arabia, India, and Southern Europe. There are only two species that are cultivated all around the world – lavandula latifolia (French lavender) and lavandula angustifolia (English lavender), or medical lavender. Plant’s name is derived from the Latin word “lava” that means “to wash” and refers to the use of lavender in Ancient times – the Romans and the Greeks used the plant for washing and cleaning.
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The word “anemone” is translated from Greek as “daughter of the wind” because anemone flowers tremble from the slightest gust of the wind. The flower is part of Ranunculaceae family (aka buttercup) and is a perennial herbaceous plant. It can be found in temperate climates of flatlands and hilly regions of both hemispheres. Anemone plant has over 160 species blooming in different seasons and very diversely in colors and types, which may confuse even an experienced gardener. This article will tell you all about growing anemones.